Getting Started with the Advanced Research Consortium

Workshop ID:


Wokrshop Title:

Getting Started with the Advanced Research Consortium


Lauren Liebe, Laura Mandell, Bryan Tarpley

Time (in JST and UTC):

July 26 7:30-11:00 (JST)

July 25 22:30-July 26 2:00 (UTC)


This workshop serves as an introduction to the Advanced Research Consortium (ARC), a vibrant community of researchers who peer review and curate digital cultural heritage materials for humanities research. It will cover using ARC’s existing resources for scholarly research, developing and integrating new digital humanities projects into ARC, using ARC’s Corpora Dataset Studio, and building new research nodes under the ARC umbrella.

Aim of the workshop/tutorial:

This workshop will familiarize attendees with the Advanced Research Consortium and its research tools, including the Corpora Dataset Studio. The workshop teaches researchers how to use ARC to enhance their research through searching both open access and proprietary resources curated by field experts. Additionally, the workshop previews the Corpora Dataset Studio for researchers interested in developing their own digital projects. Next, the workshop familiarizes researchers with the process of submitting their own projects or datasets for peer review and inclusion in ARC. Finally, the workshop discusses the process for creating research nodes within ARC to serve specific research communities.


Syllabus (3 hour workshop)

  • What is ARC?

  • Using ARC

  • Researching via the nodes

  • BigDIVA

  • Corpora

  • Contributing to ARC

  • Submitting for peer review

  • Peer review process

  • Metadata ingestion

  • Linked open data

  • Developing an ARC Node

  • Determining scope

  • Directors and editorial boards

  • Determining relevant resources (digital projects, datasets, journals, library collections, proprietary digital resources)

  • Designing your Collex instance

  • ARC Office Contributions

  • Conducting Peer Review

  • Negotiating, obtaining, and ingesting metadata from open access projects and vendors

  • Node maintenance, including the solicitation of classroom and exhibit features.