Biographical Data in a Digital World 2022 (BD 2022) Workshop

Workshop ID:


Workshop Title:

Biographical Data in a Digital World 2022 (BD 2022) Workshop


Angel Daza, Antske Fokkens, Richard Hadden, Eero Hyvönen, Mikko Koho, Eveline Wandl-Vogt

Time (in JST and UTC):

July 25 18:00- July 26 0:30 (JST)

July 25 9:00-15:30 (UTC)

Maximum number of participants:



Biographies are interesting for computational analysis. Individuals share common characteristics that can be identified and used for information retrieval and data analysis, such as birthdate, occupation, and social networks. DH approaches can be used for both quantitative analyses of such data and for providing leads for more qualitative research questions.

Aim of the workshop/tutorial:

Groups working on biographical data and digital humanities have different strengths. Some groups consist of domain experts with a lot of knowledge of history, library studies or literature. Other teams are primarily made up of researchers specialized in automatic analysis, formal modeling or visualization. Bringing these groups together increases insights for both types of groups.

There is keen interest in cross-national research on biographical information. Most resources are national resources and though many are open, sharing information also means understanding each other’s data representation, linking related information, etc.


The full-day workshop will be divided into three sessions:

  1. The participating researchers get the chance to present their work,

  2. Two interactive themed rounds: first technically oriented theme sessions (data linking and sharing, data analysis and data visualization), second round sessions are organized around use cases from the humanities, where humanity scholars meet with a team with different technical expertise.

  3. Work groups will share their insights from the interactive sessions with the rest of the participants.